Dr. David Hastings Lloyd D.Ac, R.Ac, R.TCMP
Dr. David Hastings Lloyd D.Ac, R.Ac, R.TCMP Podcast
Meditation 101:

Meditation 101:

A Primer on the Practice of Meditation


As we know, meditation can mean a lot of different things to a lot of people. Some people view meditation from its aesthetic, visually appealing, standpoint. They see it as a freshly shaven monk sitting in a twisted position in a mountain temple. They may envision special hand symbols & words used to enhance mental clarity. While these methods may enrich the act of meditation, they are not essential. Meditation is an act of the mind; this means that by its very definition, it is not solely a physical act.

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Dr. David Hastings Lloyd D.Ac, R.Ac, R.TCMP
Dr. David Hastings Lloyd D.Ac, R.Ac, R.TCMP Podcast
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David H Lloyd D.Ac R.TCMP R.Ac